Growing up in Sin City, without cable television, Tony cultivated a life of adventure and imagination. These adventures would become the inspiration for stories that would capture the imagination of audiences around the world.
A literal Master Storyteller, (no really, he has a MA in storytelling) Tony has spent years captivating audiences with his larger than life tales. As an award winning speaker/storyteller, he has engaged hundreds of audiences with stories of humor, hope, and history. From unbelievable adventures that will have you wondering how he is still alive, to the untold stories of American History and Scripture, Tony immerses his audience in an imaginative world that you never want to leave.
His writings have been published in numerous publications for print and web. As a vision and story expert, he has spent over a decade helping organizations discover their personal and corporate story.
Tony has spoken for colleges, churches, festivals, and fortune 500 companies. From the stage to the sanctuary, and from the classroom to the boardroom, his meaningful narratives leave audiences with a greater appreciation of life and a deeper understanding of themselves.